Tallinn Music Week 2025 Conference Day Pass: Saturday
Tallinn Music Week 2025: 3.—6. aprill
Konverents: 4.–5. aprill
TMW konverentsi laupäevane päevapass tagab ligipääsu TMW konverentsile laupäeval, 5. aprillil Nordic Hotel Forumis.
Konverentsi panelistid: pro.tmw.ee/speakers
Konverentsi laupäevane programm
- Konverentsi päevapass: €95
NB! Festivalipass tuleb vahetada käepaela vastu TMW infopunktis festivalinädalal.
TMW hoolib kõigi külastajate mugavusest ja ligipääsetavusest. Kui erivajadusega isikule on festivalil osalemiseks vajalik saatja olemasolu, siis saatjale on sissepääs tasuta. Selleks palume eelnevalt ühendust võtta e-posti teel ticket@tmw.ee. Saatjale mõeldud pileti kättesaamiseks tuleb kohapeal esitada kehtiv puudega isiku kaart.
Pane tähele: pärast registreerimist kantakse andmed delegaatide andmebaasi.
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Tallinn Music Week 2025: April 3—6
Conference: 4–5 April
TMW 2025 Conference Day Pass: Saturday grants access to the TMW conference on Saturday, 5 April at Nordic Hotel Forum.
Conference speakers: pro.tmw.ee/speakers
Conference programme: Saturday
- Conference Day Pass: €95
NB! The Festival Pass must be exchanged for a wristband during the festival week.
TMW cares about the comfort and accessibility of all visitors. If a person with special needs requires a personal assistant in order to attend the festival, the assistant will be admitted free of charge. To do this, please contact us in advance by email ticket@tmw.ee. A valid disabled person’s card must be presented on the spot in order to collect the personal assistant ticket.
Please note: after the registration your information will be added to the delegates’ database.