Tallinn Music Week 2025 YoungPRO Pass

Current Price:




Tallinn Music Week 2025: 3.6. aprill

Muusikafestival: 3.–5. aprill
Konverents: 4.–5. aprill

Noored kuni 26. eluaastani (k.a) saavad PRO passi tavahinnast 40% allahindlust. Soodustuse kasutamiseks peab noor olema festivali avapäeval, 3. aprillil 2025 26-aastane või noorem. Festivalinädalal TMW infoletis passi vahetamisel käepaela vastu tuleb sel juhul esitada kehtiv vanust tõestav dokument.

TMW YoungPRO pass tagab pääsu TMW konverentsile ja muusikafestivali üritustele (sh muusika- ja balletilavastusele “Kurat & Jumal”) ning TMW PRO digiplatvormile.

YoungPRO pass võimaldab:

  • kohapealset ja veebiosalust konverentsil;
  • eelis-sissepääsu muusikafestivali üritustele;
  • TMW PRO digiplatvormi kasutusõigust;
  • oma brändi esitlust TMW infokirjas ja materjalides eraldi kokkuleppe alusel;
  • kutseid TMW networking üritustele, kohtumistele ja töötubadesse;
  • pääsu muusika- ja balletilavastusele “Kurat & Jumal”.

NB! YoungPRO pass tuleb vahetada käepaela vastu TMW infopunktis festivalinädalal.

  • Kuni 30. märts: 135 € (tavahind 225 €)
  • Alates 31. märts: 150 € (tavahind 250 €)

TMW hoolib kõigi külastajate mugavusest ja ligipääsetavusest. Kui erivajadusega isikule on festivalil osalemiseks vajalik saatja olemasolu, siis saatjale on sissepääs tasuta. Selleks palume eelnevalt ühendust võtta e-posti teel ticket@tmw.ee. Saatjale mõeldud pileti kättesaamiseks tuleb kohapeal esitada kehtiv puudega isiku kaart.

Pane tähele: pärast registreerimist kantakse andmed delegaatide andmebaasi.

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Tallinn Music Week 2025: April 36

Music Festival: 3–5 April
Conference: 4–5 April

Young professionals up to 26 years (incl.) get a 40% discount on the standard PRO Pass. In order to use the discount, you have to be 26 or younger on the first day of the festival, 3 April 2025. You will be asked to present a valid ID when exchanging your pass for a wristband at a TMW info desk during the festival week.

YoungPRO Pass grants access to the conference, music festival and networking events (incl. the music and ballet performance Kurat & Jumal), as well as to the TMW PRO platform.

YoungPRO Pass includes:

  • Onsite and online access to the TMW conference
  • Priority access to the music festival venues
  • Access to the TMW PRO digital networking platform
  • Brand placement in TMW newsletter on basis of a separate agreement
  • Invitations to TMW networking events, meetings and workshops
  • Access to the music and ballet performance Kurat & Jumal

NB! The YoungPRO Pass must be exchanged for a wristband during the festival week.

To learn more about the accessibility at our venues, please check the venue list here.

  • Until 30 March: €135 (full price €225)
  • From 31 March: €150 (full price €250)

TMW cares about the comfort and accessibility of all visitors. If a person with special needs requires a personal assistant in order to attend the festival, the assistant will be admitted free of charge. To do this, please contact us in advance by email ticket@tmw.ee. A valid disabled person’s card must be presented on the spot in order to collect the personal assistant ticket.

Please note: after the registration your information will be added to the delegates’ database.